Горизонт - актеры и роли
Christopher Elliott
- Роль - Self, professor of food safety, Queen's University Belfast
- Роль - Self
Clinton Murray
- Роль - Self - Chief, Infectious Disease Service, Brooke Army Medical Center
Jason Moser
- Роль - Self - Director, Clinical Psychophysiology Lab, Michigan State University
Victoria Taylor
- Роль - Self - Senior Heart Health Dietician, British Heart Foundation
Michael Jacobs
- Роль - Self - Consultant in Infectious Diseases, The Royal Free Hospital
- Роль - Self - University of Iceland
- Роль - Self - The Open University
Joshua Wright (I)
- Роль - Self - Murder, Rape, Burglary, Moving Body from Scene of Death. Sentence: 100 years
- Роль - Self - University of St Andrews)